
The Life Of The Prophet Muhammed {pbuh}

Here's a brief synopsis of the life of the Prophet Muhammed {pbuh}

There have been many recent issues in the news regarding the freedom of speech. In Islam, we applaud freedom of speech and the rights of individuals to worship as they see fit. However, with these rights come responsibilities. We have the responsibility to respect other people. We have the responsibility to not abuse other races/religions/peoples. We have the responsibility to not incite racial hatred/violence. We have the responsibility to love and live with one another in peace (the Quran says "You have been made into Nations so that you may love and know one another").
As muslims, we feel the stance of the western media to allow pieces that insult our Prophet {pbuh} (or indeed any of our Prophets {ahs}) under the guise of "free speech with no limits", whilst at the same time preventing satirisation of western role models under the guise of "free speech so long as you don't insult people", to be hypocritical at the least. We believe that NO peoples should be insulted (regardless of which faith/creed/nation) and that free speech will still allow ample room for discussion whilst avoiding hurt to others.
The following are some excerpts of how respected western philosophers saw our Prophet {pbuh}:

If this is what Western non-muslim, knowledgeable thinkers are saying about our Prophet {pbuh}, it gives pause for thought concerning the mentality and level of education of those who needlessly attack Islam.

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2nd June 1998
