
The Islamic Medical Oath

Here is a combined medical oath of practise sworn by muslim doctors (print in burnt orange is the full oath agreed upon by the Islamic Organisation For Medical Sciences, the black print is from an alternative medical oath, agreed upon by the Islamic Medical Association. You can swear by either or both if you want):

In the name of Allah, Beneficent and Merciful

quranic verse

'Praise be to God, the Almighty, the Teacher, the Unique, Majesty of the heavens, the Exalted, the Glorious, the Eternal Being Who created the universe and all the creatures within and the only Being who is eternal and infinite. I believe and serve in no other god besides Him and regard idolatry as an injustice. I swear by Him to have regard for Him in exercising my profession. To protect human life in all its stages and under all circumstances. That I will do my utmost to save it from death, illness, pain and anxiety. To preserve peoples' dignity, protect their privacy and keep their secrets. To be, always, an instrument of Allah's mercy, extending my medical career to the near and to the far, to the virtuous and to the sinner, to friend and to foe. To strive in the pursuit of knowledge and to put it to use for the benefit, not the harm, of Mankind. To respect my teacher, teach my junior, and to be a brother to the members of my profession and to co-operate with them in all that is good and legitimate. To live out my life according to my faith, in private and in public; avoiding anything that might blemish me in the eyes of Allah. Give me the strength to be truthful, honest, modest, merciful and objective. Give me the fortitude to admit my mistakes, to amend my ways and to forgive the wrongs of others. Give me the wisdom to comfort and counsel all towards peace and harmony. Give me the understanding that mine is a profession sacred that deals with Your most precious gifts of life and intellect. Therefore, make me worthy of this favoured station with honour, dignity and piety so that I may devote my life in serving mankind, poor or rich, literate or illiterate, muslim or non-muslim, black or white with patience and tolerance, with virtue and reverence, with knowledge and vigilance, with Your love in my heart and compassion for Your servants, Your most pious creation. May Allah be my witness in this oath.'

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17th Nov 1997
