Separate to this, I have generated a lot of fake e-mail addresses below which are not related to me but instead dedicated to all the companies out there who thrive on making other peoples lives difficult with their spam...The Nasty So-and-So's. These links will keep their spambots busy and result in them having to sort through acres of undeliverable mail (such as post-master non-delivery notifications):
In fact, it makes me laugh when I see these people desperately trying to spam my inbox because unbeknownst to them I use one of the most powerful Bayesian spam filterers ever created → SpamSieve for OS X. It works 100% of the time, nothing gets through...ever.
Enjoy! 😜 ... if you are forced to sign up to a website but don't wish to disclose your actual e-mail for fear of spam, use a disposable mailbox such as Mailinator.
16th June 2006