
Odd Font Characters

There are many Unicode characters not found on a keyboard but still used in HTML5 so here's a quick reference cheat sheet for the common ones (note that you can type some of these in as character entity references which are quicker to input and I have also included an internal page Arabic Set for completeness).
To get the HTML number for the symbols, simply refer to the column on the left and the top row. For example, taking the § character, it is in the 16th row, 7th column. This gives it a value of 167, and therefore you'll use § to get it.
Remember: Some of these characters will not display correctly in older non-webkit browsers so make sure you update yours to the latest version in order to see all of them. Also note that because of Microsoft's ineptitude, characters 128-159 inclusive (coloured grey) may cause a failure of W3C validation (these characters have alternates that are correctly designated further down).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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1st January 2000
