How to insert any Unicode text in OS X

This is one of the few features Windows improves on Macintosh.
To insert any unicode character into any document in Windows, simply press Alt and use the numpad to type
the decimal number then release Alt - et voila, your character appears.
OTOH for OS X, it's a bit more convoluted:
  1. Enter Keyboard settings from System Preferences
  2. Click on Input Sources
  3. Click + in the bottom left and choose Unicode Hex Input from the Others pane
  4. Ensure it's visible in the menubar and select that keyboard
  5. Choose any character you want and note down the number
  6. Convert that number (which is in decimal) to hex
  7. Whilst holding the ⌥ key, type out the hex number, now release ⌥.
  8. Et-Voila, finally got there 😆