Install PiHole for adblocking

PiHole is a great universal ad-blocker, originally written for the Raspberry Pi but you can adjust it for the macOS system as well (the following instructions are for the RPi).
First log into the Pi with Terminal, then to install Pi-hole type:

curl -sSL | bash

Follow the setup instructions by clicking through the first few steps. For the upstream DNS server select whichever you want but in keeping with my static IP setup I chose Cloudflare's. Most of the subsequent options are already good to go at default settings or will auto-detect what you've set up so click through.
The final page will show you the web interface address at (for example as well as your admin password which you should make a note of.
Before you leave the SSH session, alter the config file:

sudo nano /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf

Now add this line MAXDBDAYS=30 to limit the log size from 1 year to 1 month (which will reduce the space taken up on the SD card).
That's it. You can point any device's DNS to (or whatever static IP you chose) and it'll use Pi-hole as it's DNS server with high level ad blocking. The web interface allows for standard Whitelisting (for sites you want everything to run) and Blacklisting (additional addresses not caught by the blocklists) but the Blocklists themselves are only recognised as hosts files so won't recognise the normal regex rules in browser adblockers - I'm using the standard Pi-hole ones but haven't yet found a complete Hosts file version of Easylist (currently running 3 based off of it (firebog, someonewhocares and adguardhosts) which Pi-hole combines into one, discarding any duplicates). It will remove many ads seamlessly and the beauty of it is that you do not have to use it on a device if you don't want to.
In order to update Pihole, first check the version(s) it's running by typing:

pihole -v

You can see if any component needs updating as it well tell you what you have and then what's the latest version available. If there is a newer version you want, you can update to it by typing:

pihole -up

...and can unistall it completely by typing:

pihole uninstall

Despite the fact I've got a very old Raspberry Pi model 1 Rev B with only 512MB SDRAM, a 700MHz CPU and 10/100Mbps ethernet using the Lite version of Raspbian on a 4GB SDcard (slow, low and old), FTL serves blocked requests in <1ms and allows good requests in <20ms and stays at <45℃ very fast, stable and light weight. Map