sudo mv /Library/LaunchAgents/ /Library/LaunchAgents/nameofprocess.plist
sudo mv /Library/LaunchAgents/nameofprocess.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl list |grep nameofprocess
Once you've found the process, you can disable it with
sudo launchctl remove -w
Replace the complete filename (usually 3 parts separated by dots) into and add the -w flag, which writes this request to disc thus preventing it from relaunching on a subsequent boot.
Alternatively you could type in the full path of the process like this (for example stopping the virus-like facebook-data-sharing plugin from launching from NTFS For Mac)
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.paragon-software.facebook.agent.plist
You may also wish to disable an agent or simply reduce it's launch window....for instance telling Chrome's updater to disarm
defaults write checkInterval 0
...or maybe only check for updates once a week so that it's not running in the background all the time...
defaults write checkInterval 604800
Finally reboot the mac to have the changes take effect.
To reload an agent simply type this
launchctl load com.exampleservice.toload